Somatic Therapy & Menstrual Cycle Awareness

Imagine a world where we honor our cyclical nature and embrace our uniquities. With a felt sense of safety, wholeness and ease in who we truly are.

Let’s create this together, little by little, cycle by cycle.

Let’s co-create a space where Somatics and Cycle Awareness are lovingly woven. A space where your whole self is welcome…

I’m here to support you in accessing your own innate body wisdom, the intelligence that has always been there but that we are socialised to ignore and override. Exploring your relationship with yourself and your menstrual cycle (or moon cycle if you don’t menstruate), helping you to live to a fuller experience of who you are. Whilst also expanding your capacity to experience your emotions in an embodied way, feeling more trusting when meeting life’s inevitable challenges and initiations.

AND….. Healing happens in community, in relationship. Whether that be in group, one to one, or over the kitchen table…. supporting, witnessing and co-regulating together. Discovering and offering your unique gifts to the world in your own way. Alongside one another dismantling the oppression that is so often the root cause of trauma. Dismantling it both within ourselves and in the culture and systems that we live within.

How we can work together……

  • Free Resources

    Resources to support your embodied cyclical living journey, sent straight to your inbox and completely free.

  • Community Events

    Online and in person group events. Cyclical community circles, workshops and retreats.

  • 1:1 Somatic Sessions

    A weave of Focalizing, a somatic healing approach with Cyclical Living & Menstruality Mentoring.

  • Testimonials....

    Hayley holds the space so beautifully and is a really sturdy grounding presence during my somatic sessions. She creates a safe de-shaming space where I feel at ease to explore my issues. I feel a greater sense of clarity and flow after our sessions, I always come away from our time together feeling warm and lighter. I love how whatever weird stuff came up she just made it feel safe and normal which is so important for me when I'm working with someone.


  • Testimonials....

    Hayley offers so much compassion, understanding and support. I felt nurtured throughout our work together and I was pleasantly suprised with some of the explorations we shared. Hayley works intuitively and safely in order to lead you to where you need to go.
